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The musical was awarded five other Tonys including Tony Award for Best New Musical. In 2013, she won the Tony Award for best original score for composing the Broadway musical Kinky Boots, making her the first woman to win the category by herself. In 2010, Memphis Blues became Billboard 's most successful blues album of the year, remaining at number one on the Billboard Blues Albums chart for thirteen consecutive weeks. Since 1983, Lauper has released eleven studio albums and participated in many other projects. In 1989, she had a hit with ' I Drove All Night'. This album included the number one single ' True Colors' and ' Change of Heart', which peaked at number three. Her success continued with the soundtrack for the motion picture The Goonies and her second record True Colors (1986). Her album She's So Unusual (1983) was the first debut album by a female artist to achieve four top-five hits on the Billboard Hot 100-' Girls Just Want to Have Fun', ' Time After Time', ' She Bop', and ' All Through the Night'-and earned Lauper the Best New Artist award at the 27th Annual Grammy Awards in 1985.

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Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thornton (born June 22, 1953) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and activist.

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